While You Wait

Hand Drawn Abstract Shape
Hand Drawn Abstract Shapes Icon
Tired Woman and Her Supporting Friend
Black Brush Stroke Scribble
Black Brush Stroke Scribble
Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape
Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape
Black Brush Stroke Scribble
Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape

Waiting is hard. Let us answer questions and help you with your symptoms to make waiting a bit easier. You will be called tomorrow or Monday if it is a weekend.

Woman Struggling on a Laptop

What happens now?

Now that you have left a message, you can prepare for your upcoming phone call. Please get the following information ready:

  • Healthcare # or Date of Birth
  • First day of your last period
  • List of medications you're currently taking
  • List of any health problems you have
  • Allow 'blocked numbers' to call your phone

We will call you today if it is before 3pm on a weekday. We will call you tomorrow or Monday if it is after 3pm or a weekend.

Abstract Organic Shape with Aesthetic Color
Black Brush Stroke Scribble
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Full Stop
Black Brush Stroke Scribble

How can you prepare?

Time off Work- You can expect to require 2-4 days off of work. You will be provided with a doctor's note for this absence at your appointment.

Period Products- We recommend you use pads for the first week after your abortion. That way you can monitor your blood flow. You may use any products you wish after this.

Support- Although you can do this alone, it is recommended you have someone with you for 24 hours after taking the second set of medications. If you don't have any support, we'll recommend options at your appointment.

Comfort Items-It is a good idea to have a heat pack/hot water bottle or a comfy blanket handy. Make sure you have what you need to be home for a few days.

Retro Style Hot Pack
Cream Lightning Doodle
 Woman in Despair Lying on Bed

Managing Your Symptoms

If you are plagued by nausea there are several things you can do:

  • Eat small amounts frequently
  • Take small sips of fluid instead of gulps
  • Gravol (dimenhydramine) as per the package recommendations
  • Plenty of sleep

If you are having severe abdominal pain with or without bleeding, this is not normal in early pregnancy. You may have an ectopic pregnancy which can be a life threatening emergency. Please go to the nearest ER for assessment.

Yellow Circle Shape Illustration
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Black Brush Stroke Scribble
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Your Appointment

The phone call with our staff will last approximately 15 minutes. They will assess the dating of the pregnancy and arrange testing prior to your in-person or virtual appointment.

Your in-person or virtual appointment will occur 1-2 days after your telephone appointment. In certain cases, it may occur same day.

An ultrasound will likely be ordered for dating purposes. This will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Bloodwork can be completed as a drop-in appointment.

Cancelling Your Appointment

Things happen and people change their minds. That is allowed!

Please inform us if you will not be able to attend your appointment. That way we can make ourselves available to assist other women of Central Alberta.

Call and leave a message to cancel:

Hand Drawn Organic Blob Abstract Shape
Black Brush Stroke Scribble
Cell Phone Icon

Your partner in Pro-Women Care

Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, ,Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer, Abortion, Central Alberta, Red Deer

EST. 2022

© 2024 Clinic 38